I'm an amateur photographer who calls Brisbane, Australia home. By day I work as a Technology Leader helping my organisation navigate Digital Disruption and Transformation. While my profession exercises the left-hemisphere of my brain, I've always found pleasure in creative pursuits that challenge the right-hemisphere.
As a child I would find solitude in sketching landscapes and portraits with my trusty Derwent pencils. As I developed skills and a passion for technology, Photography and Graphic Design followed.  For me Photography now represents my... "Intersection of Creativity and Technology".
I hope you enjoy this site and some of my personal work. It's mostly captured while on vacation and travelling with my family, exploring my hometown or occasionally in places I visit for work. Be sure to follow me on Instagram and thanks for stopping by.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Shaun Black

"A Man Amongst Giants"

While this photo looks like it is shot deep in an old-growth forest it was actually taken in front of the "National Gallery of Australia" in Canberra, Australia. It was captured at the end of an early morning photo walk just as the sun was rising over Mount Ainslie and Lake Burley Griffin.

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